Online winter workshops
Tackling garden challenges
We've been listening to your questions over the years and now want to give you online opportunities to learn how to handle some of the tougher issues you face in your garden:
How do I know how to grow when the seasons are all over the place? Sign up for Gardening in a changing climate.
Onion seeds, onion sets, long-day, short-day, midday: how do I grow onions? Sign up for The basics of growing onions.
I don't have anywhere I can grow outside; how can I garden? Sign up for Cultivating mushrooms indoors.
Classes are only $10 each. The PayPal dropdown menu allows you to choose 1, 2 or 3 classes. If you don't want to use PayPal or have questions, reach out to Hands On Harvests at
Fairfax County Master Gardeners:
Extension Agent Adria Bordas has approved these programs for CEUs.
One workshop remaining!
Cultivating mushrooms indoors
Tuesday, March 12, 7 pm
Clyde Lake, co-owner, Virginia Spores & More
Do you want to garden at home, but the yard’s too shady? Or do you love mushrooms but can’t always afford them? Learn how to cultivate mushrooms year-round indoors from the co-owner of Virginia Spores & More, Clyde Lake. He'll give an overview of what a mushroom is, share a little bit about its lifecycle and its potential effects on humans and climate, then provide instruction for how to grow them.

Clyde Lake is co-owner of Virginia Spores & More, a northern Virginia-based mushroom cultivation supply company. He has also recently started the Virginia Mushroom Growers Association, a non-profit dedicated to educating young people about mushrooms. Continue your mushroom-growing education through two Virginia Spores & More classes this spring: on 4/22 at James “Buddie” Ford Nature Center in Alexandria and on 4/27 at Frying Pan Park Herdon. Learn more and sign up here.